It was a long time before I realised that other people didn’t have the same thought patterns as me. After a lot of sideways glances over time, one day it dawned on me that my mind works differently from others. It seems I have a matrix of thoughts and associations where the majority of people that I knew had a much simpler mind map working for them.

Once I had adjusted to my revelation, I learned to love my mind as it is. It’s what gives me my extra specialness: it is what makes me unique, as we all are in the same way. I’ve never considered obtaining any form of diagnosis, I just accepted that my brain works as it does and that is fine by me, it is what it is.

I also realise that not everybody has learned to embrace their differences yet, which I want to rectify. We are made as we are and don’t need to mould ourselves in order to fit in with others expectations of us. We are allowed to be different, by standing tall in our sovereignty, the people around us will gradually accept our differences, and learn to embrace them too.

I would love to be able facilitate your transformation into your fabulous Self, so that you can utilise all those wonderful talents that you have.

Feel free to contact me so that we can have a chat to find out if we can work together

After years of being someone that people tell their problems to me, not just friends but random strangers, as well. I found myself wondering what is best response to these confidences without saying the wrong thing, my natural instinct was to say nothing and just listen.

So about 15 years ago I started my studying journey and got myself trained in coaching and therapy. So many course options available so I decided to start with reading for a Psychology degree, of which I loved every bit. By the end of it I remembered years before I had been introduced to NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming aka. Natural Language Processing). Low and behold the right course was presented to me as I finished my degree.

I now have a full complement of training and qualifications, along with over 10 years of practical experience of working with people of all ages, which has furnished me with an even greater appreciation of peoples individual differences.

If you think you would benefit from guidance and expertise, feel free to contact me for some ‘no obligation’ conversations……

My Background

Vivien Cottey Confidence Coach

  • Master Practitioner of NLP and TLT™ (Time Line Therapy)

  • Advanced Linguistics Conversational Hypnotherapy Certification

  • Master Practitioner of Hypnosis

  • Reiki Master

  • BSc Psychology